Thursday, January 19, 2012

Photography Digest #1

Every now and then we will be sharing links to articles, tips, tutorials, inspiration related to photography. This is the first stop, enjoy reading through what we have shared and gathered to you. It will be beneficial for everyone who is into the amazing world of photography. If you have stumbled a great article around the web, you may share it with us and the rest by commenting through this post.

DIY Speedlight Diffuser

Well Lit Portraits by Tamara Lackey

What Type of Lens To Use For Specific Situations

Dynamic Look at Life: Collection of HDR Photography

Guerilla Food Photography: 10 Tips for Taking Great Food Photos

New Year Celebration: 15 Breathtaking Firework Photos

10 Reasons to Turn off Your Autofocus

An Introduction to Off-Camera Flash Photography

54 Reasons Why YOU Should Be A Photographer

Quick Tip: 5 Tips for Getting Great “Bokeh” Shots

Ten top tips for fantastic food photography

21st-Century China

100 Beautiful Night Scene Photos

45 Beautiful Motion Blur Photos

A Rookie Guide to Digital SLR Cameras

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